Some say this is a myth, Bill Gates never said that, some say its true. Why it has been attributed to Mr.Bill Gates is still a mystery. And to be honest I've have read different posts in the internet all pointing these rules to bill gates, some says it's 10, others say it's 11 and I found one post mentioned 14 rules, but the basic intention of making this post is that the points said are totally legit and inspiring especially for younger generation.
The story starts with that Bill Gates once gave a mind blowing speech at a high school explaining them the difference between real life and fictional life that most individuals of new generation fail to understand and are not taught in schools. This set of life changing rules might be one of the core lessons that make him stand out of the crowd and lead a billionaire lifestyle.
I hope you take this rules as forever life lessons and be the best and productive you can be in each day of your life.
So here are the 11 rules for a successful life which you don’t learn at schools, colleges or institutions:
Rule # 1: Life is not fair, get used to it.
When life takes away or doesn’t give you what you always wanted, don’t give up. Direct your anger or frustration towards the right way and earn the life you ever wanted in spite of the biggest obstacles that knocked you down.
Rule # 2: The world doen't care about yourself esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself!
There is no need to show off what you are going to be in the future, don’t fall in the trap. The most important thing about your dream is that you need to protect it till you turn it into a reality. When you have achieved enough don’t forget to give back, that where the world wants to appreciate you.
Rule # 3: You will not make $60,000 a year right out of high school. You won't be vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Grow slow! Be big! You can’t be each and everything you ever wanted or want to become overnight. It takes time. Work on yourself and your goal rather than finding shortcuts to achieve everything. You will surely become what you dream for, what you have to do is work on getting better at digesting your success.
Rule # 4: If you think your teacher is tough, Wait until you get a boss.
Be patient and learn to tolerate your teachers’ or your elder’ scolding on your mistakes. You don’t get people to correct you when you are working, they need the best results anyhow and if you are not able produce the results as quickly and perfectly as possible, you get fired. Take time to correct your mistakes when you still have that time and opportunity.
Rule # 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping: They called it OPPORTUNITY.
There is no secret to luck, its all about how good you are in grabbing the opportunities coming your way and make the most out of them for your life. No work is small if you do it in a great way. How about you worry about being the best and achieve your goal rather than worrying about your dignity? Success only comes to those who are willing to get their hands dirty.
Rule # 6: If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Note down each and every mistake and work out on correcting them. Stop throwing stones on others. You only get better when you face your weaknesses and mistakes. Never be dependent on your parents or any other person for correcting your own mistakes.
Rule # 7: Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try "delousing" the closet in your own room.
So if you think your parents are boring and not that good with you, you know the reason now. The biggest thing you can ever do as a daughter/son is learn to be self served and independent. Start learning to take responsibility about your little things. Stop messing up yourself and your life. Be conscious and loyal about your own good or bad actions you take everyday.
Rule # 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
When you are out in the real world where your fate or survival is in your own hands, you don’t always get second chances. Its do or do not there is no try kind of life you are leading. Be so sure and strongly confident about your choices that you don’t have to regret. Live each and every moment as if you are gonna die next day. Build firm foundations for your life, make your own way through this world.
Rule # 9: When you are out in the real world where your fate or survival is in your own hands, you don’t always get second chances. Its do or do not there is no try kind of life you are leading. Be so sure and strongly confident about your choices that you don’t have to regret. Live each and every moment as if you are gonna die next day. Build firm foundations for your life, make your own way through this world.
Always have a sense of productiveness and pace in your work and actions you take everyday to be successful. Don’t wait for anything just go for it and you shall become the one you see in your vision. Be proactive and take more actions, think less and wait less. Life is not gonna give you a vacation from respiration and growth, keep track of your life and be there on time for each and every moment.
Rule # 10: Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Be realistic about everything. You simply want to enjoy discussing about things you think are impossible while someone else is working on them out there and making everything possible for the world. Stay away from your Television, if locks you in the prison of deceptions. Entertainment is important but not compulsory. Living a better life is compulsory. Think from your own brain and stop falling in the trap of going with the flow for everything and anything.
Rule # 11: Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
The biggest failure is pleasing people you don’t like for getting things you don’t need. Be yourself, be self driven for undertaking each and every endeavors of your life. Stop contaminating your positive spirit by spending your precious time with negative ones. Always spend time with people who need you and the people from whom you can learn something better, it takes you nearer to your aims and goals.
I hope you enjoyed and learned the life transforming lessons from Mr. Bill Gates (or may be not). Share it with your friends and do let me know about your thoughts, opinions, feedbacks or suggestions in comments.
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Some say this is a myth, Bill Gates never said that, some say its true. Why it has been attributed to Mr.Bill Gates is still a mystery. And to be honest I've have read different posts in the internet all pointing these rules to bill gates, some says it's 10, others say it's 11 and I found one post mentioned 14 rules, but the basic intention of making this post is that the points said are totally legit and inspiring especially for younger generation.
I hope you take this rules as forever life lessons and be the best and productive you can be in each day of your life.
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